Changes in mental health stigma among healthcare professionals and community representatives in Northern Sri Lanka during an mhGAP intervention study.
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Displacement-related stressors in a Sri Lankan war-affected community: Identifying the impact of war exposure and ongoing stressors on trauma symptom severity.
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Prevalence of mental disorders and epidemiological associations in post-conflict primary care attendees: a cross-sectional study in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
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Challenges and lessons learned in re-filming the WHO mhGAP training videos for Sri Lankan context - a qualitative study.
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Conducting a Cross-Sectional Study Examining Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Conflict-Affected Adults Attending Primary Care in Northern Sri Lanka: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
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An intervention to improve mental health care for conflict-affected forced migrants in low-resource primary care settings: a WHO MhGAP-based pilot study in Sri Lanka (COM-GAP study) Inadequacy in mental health care in low and middle income countries has been an important contributor to the rising global burden of disease. The treatment gap is salient in resource-poor settings, especially when providing care for conflict-affected forced migrant populations. Primary care is often the only available service option for the majority of forced migrants, and integration of mental health into primary care is a difficult task. The proposed pilot study aims to explore the feasibility of integrating mental health care into primary care by providing training to primary care practitioners serving displaced populations, in order to improve identification, treatment, and referral of patients with common mental disorders via the World Health Organization Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
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Mental health of displaced and returnee populations: Insight from the Sri Lankan post-conflict experience. Read more at :
- Shannon Doherty,
- Behzad Kianian,
- Giselle Dass,
- Anne Edward,
- Ahoua Kone,
- Gergana Manolova,
- Sambasivamoorthy Sivayokan,
- Madonna Solomon,
- Rajendra Surenthirakumaran &
- Barbara Lopes-Cardozo
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Displacement-related stressors in a Sri Lankan war-affected community: Identifying the impact of war exposure and ongoing stressors on trauma symptom severity.
- Fiona C.Thomas
- Simon Coulombe
- Todd A.Girard
- Tae L.Hart
- Shannon Doherty
- Giselle Dass
- Kolitha Wickramage
- Chesmal Siriwardhana
- Rajendra Surenthirakumaran
- Kelly McShane
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Prevalence of mental disorders and epidemiological associations in post-conflict primary care attendees: a cross-sectional study in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
- Shannon Doherty,
- E. Hulland,
- B. Lopes-Cardozo,
- S. Kirupakaran,
- R. Surenthirakumaran,
- S. Cookson &
- C. Siriwardhana
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Challenges and lessons learned in re-filming the WHO mhGAP training videos for Sri Lankan context - a qualitative study.
- Shannon Doherty,
- Giselle Dass
- Gergana Manolova
- Anne Edward &
- Madonna Solomon
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Conducting a Cross-Sectional Study Examining Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Conflict-Affected Adults Attending Primary Care in Northern Sri Lanka: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
- Shannon Doherty,
- Giselle Dass
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An intervention to improve mental health care for conflict-affected forced migrants in low-resource primary care settings: a WHO MhGAP-based pilot study in Sri Lanka (COM-GAP study) Inadequacy in mental health care in low and middle income countries has been an important contributor to the rising global burden of disease. The treatment gap is salient in resource-poor settings, especially when providing care for conflict-affected forced migrant populations. Primary care is often the only available service option for the majority of forced migrants, and integration of mental health into primary care is a difficult task. The proposed pilot study aims to explore the feasibility of integrating mental health care into primary care by providing training to primary care practitioners serving displaced populations, in order to improve identification, treatment, and referral of patients with common mental disorders via the World Health Organization Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
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Mental health of displaced and returnee populations: Insight from the Sri Lankan post-conflict experience. Read more at :